Boder på Havnegade

Klimafolkemødet in Middelfart (photo credit Claus Fisker)

Klimafolkemødet (the People's Climate Festival) in Middelfart is an annual event that puts climate at the top of the agenda for three days in late august.

Klimafolkemødet’s purpose is simply to inspire action – in decision-makers, companies, organisations and citizens alike.

The ambition with Klimafolkemødet is to be the national event that puts climate challenges on the agenda and creates common solutions. Klimafolkemødet is a non-commercial event, and the entry to debates, wokrshops and concerts are free. Klimafolkemødet stands on three “legs”: a popular, a political and a professional.

The most recent Klimafolkemøde in 2023 was the largest held to date, with 34,000 guest visiting the festival in Middelfart.

The Region of Southern Denmark and Middelfart Municipality entered into a strategic collaborative agreement in 2019 to elevate Klimafolkemødet’s status in Middelfart from being a local event to becoming a national event. The festivals purpose is to create solutions to climate challenges and to inspire citizens, decision-makers, companies and organisations to take action.

Klimafolkemødet is held in partnership with a large number of organisers, who contribute content to the festival program.

Klimafolkemødet is held in week 35 from thursday to saturday at KulturØpladsen in Middelfart.
Read more about Klimafolkemødet at klimafolkemø (opens in a new window, only available in Danish).